The Dynamics of Pastoral Care

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In our age of high-powered CEOs, pastors need encouragement in the biblical model of their calling to shepherd the flock of God. In this practical and concise addition to the Ministry Dynamics for a New Century series, David Wiersbe examines the role of shepherd in light of the duties of a pastor.
Through a brief, biblical survey he highlights shepherds such as Abel, Moses, David, and Jesus, and underscores the vulnerable nature of sheep. Then he applies the principles of shepherding to the tasks of a pastor--building relationships, earning trust, listening, visiting, leading worship, and prayer.
For those wanting to provide quality shepherding care to God's people, this book offers helpful insight.
The Author
"Encompassing more than just the arena of pastoral care and visitation, this book is a helpful 'big picture' snapshot of the call and diverse responsibilities of the church pastor."--Ministries Today (July/August 2000)