Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English
- Format
- Paperback
- 9781540964458
- Dimensions
- 7 x 10
- Pub. Date
- Dec 2020
- $52.00
- Carton Quantity
- 12
- Number of pages
- 352
"We have long needed a thorough and up-to-date synopsis of the Pauline letters. The synopsis edited by James Ware does not limit itself to parallels in content but also explores parallel texts in terms of literary form and epistolary structure. This immensely practical tool is a vital resource for the study of the Pauline letters."--Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and professor of biblical theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"James Ware has produced an invaluable tool for beginning and more advanced students of Paul. Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English provides a user-friendly way to view how Paul addresses similar concerns in different contexts, allowing ready access to how Paul formulates the ramifications of the good news as he addresses the needs of diverse congregations. When turning to the study of Paul, you will want to keep this volume within easy reach."--Joel B. Green, provost, dean of the School of Theology, and professor of New Testament interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary
"Ware's Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English provides students, pastors, and scholars with a powerful tool for comparing the Pauline letters. While there are other Pauline synopses, this is the only one that employs the Greek text with a critical apparatus as well as an English translation. By bringing together groups of related passages, Ware's synopsis enables readers to see how the Pauline letters treat similar themes. This synopsis, which fills a long-standing need, is destined to become a standard tool for Pauline exegesis."--Frank J. Matera, The Catholic University of America (emeritus)
"It has become fashionable in recent years to lay out parallels to Paul's writings. The value of being able to examine such parallels so conveniently--without having to use fingers, thumbs, spare pens, and bookmarks to maintain access to multiple passages at the same time--hardly needs to be stressed. This volume, however, provides also the Greek, with some indication of variant readings, which is much better for those who can handle the Greek and who don't want to be confused by varied translations or misled by any hidden agendas of translators."--†James D. G. Dunn, University of Durham
"The new synopsis of Paul compiled by James Ware is a wonderful resource that will delight and inform students and scholars alike. Simply reading it is an education in Paul's letters and theology! Using it carefully will provide endless opportunities to make connections and see new things. Every serious student of Paul should own it."--Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, St. Mary's Seminary & University
"The apostle Paul tackled wildly varied concerns in his letters to the earliest followers of Jesus across the Roman Empire. For those attempting to synthesize the apostle's thought, James Ware's Synopsis draws together the scattered texts on key topics into a single location with both English and Greek. Reflecting the best of current scholarship, Ware's organization takes into account not only the content of the Pauline letters but also epistolary structure and literary form. Students of Scripture, pastors, teachers, and biblical specialists alike are indebted to Jim Ware for an indispensable tool."--A. Andrew Das, professor of religious studies, Elmhurst College
"In this synopsis, the thirteen Pauline letters are divided into 177 'sense units' of texts. Access to the texts is made possible with the help of a table of parallels, which Ware considers most important, but many readers may find the index of subjects the first place to go. Opinions will differ on the selection of themes and what texts represent them, but Ware's reputation as an excellent teacher finds support in this book, which is pedagogically aware and will be used successfully by readers of the English text as well as the Greek."--†Abraham J. Malherbe, Yale University
"A perfect resource for studying the Pauline letters."--Udo Schnelle, professor of New Testament, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
The Author
"This is a new and helpful resource that enables the student of Paul to locate and compare parallel ideas in the body of Paul's writings and in the Acts of the Apostles. The book provides both the Greek and English versions of all thirteen letters ascribed to Paul plus relevant passages in the Acts of the Apostles. Unlike other synopses, which attempt to lay out the texts of Paul's letters side by side with parallel passages, Ware's method is to identify some 177 themes or topics in Paul."--Donald Senior, CP, The Bible Today
"A useful resource for understanding the mind and theology of the apostle Paul. . . . The Greek-text pages include a whittled down critical apparatus for readers who wish to be alerted to the more significant textual variants. Also helpful is the brief list, at the end of each topic, of further texts that might be included under any given topic. . . . This book will be especially helpful for those who preach and teach the Bible. When working on a given Pauline text, preachers and teachers can locate their passage in the Table of Parallels, flip open to the topics that include that passage, and see what parallel Pauline texts may shed light on the passage at hand. . . . I intend to use Ware's helpful resource in years ahead, and I commend it with gratitude to students, pastors, and teachers of the Word of God."--Dane Ortlund, Themelios
"A great resource for upper-level students and scholars working with Paul's letters. . . . Ware helpfully includes an initial Table of Parallels that lists all appearances of each passage in canonical order and a Table of Topics that delineates each section. A concluding Index of Subjects complements these navigational guides. Overall, it is a handy and useful tool to have in one's personal library."--Richard S. Ascough, Religious Studies Review
"Ware has beautifully produced a useful tool for the study of the Pauline Epistles that will enable students and teachers alike to save lots of time and labor. . . . This is the first comparative work of related passages of the Pauline Epistles in the original Greek text of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece 27th edition. Since the Greek text is undoubtedly indispensable for comparative work such as this, it is surprising that the previous tools have been produced only in English translation, without Greek text. In addition to the Greek text, the English translation (New Revised Standard Version) is provided on each opposite page of the Synopsis so that the reader who is not sufficiently comfortable with the Greek text of the New Testament can also make use of this tool. . . . Synopsis of the Pauline Letters is undoubtedly a useful and indispensable tool that will serve students and teachers well in the years to come."--Akio Ito, Review of Biblical Literature
"Ware distinguishes his synopsis . . . in two significant ways. First, he gives the Greek text (Nestle-Aland 27th ed.) in addition to the English translation (NRSV). The various passages are clearly delineated on facing pages. . . . Second, he does not set forth in serial fashion every pericope from the Pauline letters. . . . Rather, he groups texts together by topics. . . . These two distinctive features are a welcome advance in the genre of Pauline synopses. His selection of parallels is judicious and thorough. . . . Scholars will be able fruitfully to utilize this work."--Thomas D. Stegman, SJ, Catholic Biblical Quarterly
"A helpful resource for the study of the Pauline texts. . . . In comparison to the other major works of this type . . . Ware's book is unique in that it is the only one to include the Greek text in addition to the English. Further, his work arranges the parallels thematically. . . . Synopsis of the Pauline Letters in Greek and English is a much needed contribution, and it has filled a gap in Pauline studies in many ways."--Michael T. Graham Jr., Southern Baptist Journal of Theology