Cold Vengeance
series: Ryland & St. Clair

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When a renowned crime podcaster vanishes without a trace, former FBI behavioral analysts turned private investigators River Ryland and Tony St. Clair are called upon to track her down. As they wade through the evidence she left behind, they unearth a startling connection--she may have discovered the existence of an unknown killer, and he will stop at nothing to carry out a deadly plan.
As the pair delves deeper, they soon find themselves the targets of a relentless enemy determined to silence them. With their lives--and hearts--on the line, can they confront the evil that threatens them before it consumes them both?
Nancy Mehl presents pulse-pounding suspense with . . .
"A little of everything . . . plenty of intrigue, dangerous moments, deadly scenarios, and romance."--The AR Critique on Cold Threat
"Plot twists you won't see coming."--Tosca Lee, New York Times bestselling author on Cold Pursuit
The Author
"Mehl adeptly balances thrilling action with emotional depth as the dire circumstances draw the PIs closer to God and one another. Series fans will find this snappy, high-stakes outing irresistible."
Publishers Weekly
"A suspenseful story of loyalty, forgiveness, and faith that triumphs over any evil. Cold Vengeance features hair-raising tension, characters who share their Christian faith with conviction, and an intense dive into the sinister inner and outer workings of serial killers... [an] excellent and chilling finale."