Revell Reads FAQs

Thank you for wanting to learn more about the Revell Reads reviewer program. We have set these guidelines in place in order to be fair to everyone participating.

Do I need to have a blog or social media platform to be in this program?
Yes, a public blog or social media platform is required. Posting reviews only on retailer websites or book websites like Goodreads or LibraryThing is great, but that doesn’t fully meet our requirements. Your blog or social media platform must be up and running and accessible to the general public when you sign up to be a part of our program.

How does this program work?
Regular email alerts are sent out to reviewers who are accepted into our program. These emails provide details on the new fiction releases available for requests. When requesting a book, the reviewer agrees to read and post an original review (at least 75 words, not including back cover copy or plot synopsis) on their blog or social media platform as well as at least one retailer website during the given time frame.

Where am I required to post a review?
Your review must be posted on your blog or social media platform and at least one retailer website such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book, or Books-a-Million. You may also share on sites like Goodreads, LibraryThing, or BookBub, but that is not required.

When should I post my review?
Your review should be posted during the time frame given in the email invite. If your deadline has passed, please still submit your review, as missed reviews will result in removal from the program.

Should I post a spoiler in my review?
We ask that you please be considerate of other readers and not include spoilers in your review.

Am I required to finish a book I’ve agreed to review?
In the event you aren’t enjoying the book, we don’t require you to finish it, but we do expect you to be thoughtful and considerate in the case of a negative review, just as you would be when posting a positive one.

How do I submit my review links?
Please use the form on our website to submit a direct link to your review.

What is a direct link?
It is a link that will take us directly to your review, NOT simply to your blog’s homepage or your social media page. You can usually get the direct link by clicking on the blog or social media post once it’s made public. Copying the web address from that page would be a direct link and should resemble or

I haven’t received my book yet. Did it get lost in the mail?
Books are usually mailed out within one to two weeks of your signing up to review the book, so you should receive your book within two to three weeks of signing up. Because of the number of people involved in the blogger program, we cannot be responsible for books that are lost or damaged in the mail. We are also unable to resend books to reviewers should their address have been incorrect at the time of the mailing. If you have not received your book within three weeks, please respond to a Revell Reads email to let us know.

I’ve moved. How do I update my mailing address?
Re-enter your information in the sign-up form. We will then take that information and update your account in our system.

I’ve changed emails. How do I update my email address?
Our blogger program creates accounts based on email address. So, each new email address needs to have a new account created with it. If you have a new email address, please re-enter your information in the sign-up form.

I was sent a NetGalley widget, but I can’t download it to my particular device, or I am having another technical problem. What should I do?
If something has gone wrong with the NetGalley widget, it is almost always a problem with your account or device, and not something we have the ability to fix or address from our end. NetGalley has a great troubleshooting resource that will walk you through most of the problems you will encounter. You can search for an answer to your particular question there. If that doesn’t help, please contact NetGalley.

Can I request more books to review?
You may request more than one book to review. However, please only request the amount you are reasonably able to review in the given time frame. If you are consistently requesting books and not posting reviews, you will be unsubscribed from the program.

Should I post about my review on social media?
Yes, please! Use the hashtag #RevellReads and tag us @RevellFiction on Facebook and Instagram. We love hearing from you!