Miscarried Hope

Journeying with Jesus through Pregnancy and Infant Loss

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Discover unexpected hope in the midst of your loss

No grief is quite like the pain that follows pregnancy and infant loss. For any woman who feels alone, full of doubt, and overwhelmed with sorrow, this book guides you on a journey to experience the transforming hope of the gospel after losing your baby.

Built on new research from interviews with more than four hundred loss moms, Miscarried Hope helps you move through the Five Stages of Hope. By exploring the profound parallels between pregnancy and infant loss and Holy Week, Rachel invites you to follow in the footsteps of Jesus's disciples as they grieved his death, waited in the silence, and rediscovered hope in his resurrection.

With biblical truth and practical comforts for coping with the day-to-day pain of loss, Miscarried Hope leads you along a gentle road to healing.

"I wish I had this book when we lost our baby. What a gift it is to have a friend like Rachel hold our hands as we wrestle, doubt, grieve, and come around to hope once again."--Alyssa Bethke, cofounder of Family Teams and author of Satisfied and Loved that Lasts

"Miscarried Hope is the book I wish I had as I stumbled through my own messy journey of loss. As you read, take your time--there's a fount of comfort and truth on every page!"--Nicole Zasowski, marriage and family therapist and author of What If It's Wonderful?

"Miscarried Hope invited me on a gentle journey toward healing. As a mom who has experienced loss, I've lacked language for my pain. Now I have the words."--Sandy Wickham, colead pastor at Park Hill Church


"Miscarried Hope is the book I wish I had as I stumbled through my own messy journey of loss. Using the events of Holy Week as a backdrop, Rachel is masterful in walking us through her brilliant framework: the Five Stages of Hope. As a marriage and family therapist, I will use this as my go-to resource for individuals and couples who have encountered the pain of pregnancy and infant loss. As a mom who has lost five babies to miscarriage, I will keep this book on my own nightstand and pass it to friends who share this pain too. As you read, take your time--there's a fount of comfort and truth on every page!"

Nicole Zasowski, marriage and family therapist and author of What If It's Wonderful?

"When I unexpectedly miscarried my sweet baby, grief filled the empty space that my baby was supposed to be growing in. As a pastor, I have counseled numerous women who have walked through loss. Yet, when I personally experienced the unthinkable, I was left to sort through so many questions. That is why this book is a must!

It is a gift for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child or anyone who may be walking with a friend or family member who has experienced loss. Rachel invites the broken to have a seat and know they are seen, known, and not alone. Beautifully written, Rachel does a stunning job of pulling us closer to Jesus and stirring our hearts."

Nicole Lynn Rowan, minister, mentor, and mom

"I've heard about the stages of grief before, but this is the first time I've heard about the stages of hope. What a beautiful concept to rest a heart on. Rachel has an incredible way of articulating the reality of the profound grief that ensues from miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss alongside the reality of a hope that, no matter how distant it can appear, still remains. She writes about both without diminishing either, giving every loss mom the ability to see herself in the pages of this book. We see ourselves in the heartbreaking loss, confusion, and despair. And these pages also give us a glimpse of ourselves through the lens of God's promises and buoyant hope. What a gift."

Jessica Latshaw, musician, writer, and cohost of The TJ [& Jess] Show podcast

"Miscarrying my baby was the first significant death I had encountered in my life. Disoriented in my grief, I asked all the questions: Why had this happened, who could understand this pain, and how was I to process this as a praying woman? Rachel Lohman has written the book I wish I'd had on hand, naming the losses with tenderness and taking our hands as Jesus does to gently map the anatomy of both grief and hope."

Bronwyn Lea, loss mom and author of Beyond Awkward Side Hugs

"Miscarried Hope is the book I wish someone had put in my hands when I lost my baby as a result of miscarriage. It's packed full of comfort, truth, and, of course, hope. Rachel's voice is a wise and tender guide, ultimately pointing us toward Christ, speaking words of life on every page."

Ruthie Kim, executive coach and founder of Because Justice Matters

"As a fellow loss mom, I was eager to read Rachel's book. Void of trite phrases and empty words, Miscarried Hope's refreshing perspective fills a gap between the church and women who are aching to explore their faith through the lens of grief. Bring your doubts, fears, and questions, and allow Rachel to be your guide on the journey toward a stronger faith and a renewed hope."

Peyton Lauderdale, cofounder of Gathering Hope

"By vulnerably sharing her story of loss, Rachel reminds the reader that even in our most difficult trials, Jesus is with us. She avoids trite answers and empty faith but offers a biblical perspective of hope and trust that is so needed in the body today. I wholeheartedly endorse this message."

Lee M. Cummings, founding and senior pastor at Radiant Church and author of School of the Spirit and Flourish

"Miscarried Hope is an insightful, heartfelt journey through grief and heartache and toward hope and transformation. No doubt you are glancing at this book because of pain in your life or the life of someone you love. Rachel Lohman is the friend from afar and the guide you want at your side in this moment. She is centered, authentic, kind, and filled with rich insight from her own paths of pain and spiritual anchoring. Let her bless you and help you through these pages."

Craig Springer, vice president at Barna Group and author of How to Follow Jesus and How to Revive Evangelism

"Miscarried Hope invited me on a gentle journey toward healing. As a mom who has experienced loss, I've lacked language for my pain. Now I have the words."

Sandy Wickham, colead pastor at Park Hill Church

"Miscarried Hope describes the loss of a child through miscarriage, still birth, or infant loss as 'wandering in a wilderness or a desert place.' Surviving the pain is a huge challenge both for individuals and for couples. For those who are suffering, Rachel's book is like drinking a draught of cool water. Taking inspiration from Jesus's journey from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, Rachel gives a road map for traveling that desert road with a guide who has been there before us. She shows how Jesus's compassion and love can bring healing and fresh hope.

Miscarried Hope is a wonderful resource, not only for any woman who has experienced the trauma of losing a child but also for couples seeking to understand how to support each other as they walk through this dark valley. Rachel points to Jesus every step of the way as the Shepherd who will refresh and restore our souls."

Nicky and Sila Lee, founders of The Marriage Course and authors of The Marriage Book

The Author

  1. Rachel Lohman
    LeAnn Kathleen Photography

    Rachel Lohman

    Rachel Lohman holds a master's degree in theology and ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. She is a pastor, speaker, and founder of Hope Again Collective, a handmade earring line that shares the stories of loss moms. Rachel is a mother to...

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