The Mandie Collection, Volume 11

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Mandie's favorite teacher, Miss Hope, has gone missing! The start of school is fast approaching, and Miss Hope's sister, Miss Prudence, refuses to call the police. Everywhere else they turn leads to a dead end. It's almost as if no one wants Miss Hope to be found....
Mandie and Celia will soon graduate from the Misses Heathwood's School for Girls, but mysteries continue to distract them. Can they find solutions in time? But the biggest question for Mandie and all her friends is, What adventure comes next?
Mandie and her friend Joe team up to plan a very special event for the Christmas Eve program at her church in Franklin, North Carolina. Rounding up the town's orphan children to participate, Mandie's goal is to provide them with a permanent home.
Mandie's young Irish friend Mollie is spending Easter at Mandie's house. She's still looking for leprechauns and a pot of gold, so it's no surprise when she says an angel came to visit her. But it is a surprise who the angel turns out to be!